Tag Archives: zout

#124 Full-scale creation of salt into fertilizer through the atomic conversion power of EM

With the cooperation of many stakeholders, the multipurpose method of salt utilizing the atomic conversion power of EM that began three years ago has been steadily achieving results. Initially it seemed too incredible a story to be true, so most people have been hesitant about using more than one-third to one-fifth of the amount of salt I discussed. As a… Read more »

#122 The Truth of EM: Everything about Love and Microorganisms

In early September, my book called Everything about Love and Microorganisms, co-written with Michiyo Mori and Akira Shiratori, was published from Hikaru Land Co., Ltd. Last June, in Fukushima City, a meeting was held with lectures by the three of us, and we showed the movie Revival so that people would see the serious situation in Fukushima, that has almost… Read more »

#121 Escape from conventional agricultural traps

To date, agriculture has inevitably made use of artificial substances in order to increase productivity, reaching the situation of present-day agriculture with its heavy reliance chemical fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, and large machinery. This style accelerates degradation of soil, and not only destroys ecosystems and biodiversity, but also it is directly linked with topsoil runoff, and pollution of the water system… Read more »

#120 Limitation and important caveats regarding utilization of salt

At the end of the previous issue, I stated “If the entire soil is rectified by using rectifying coal, conventional soil improvement becomes unnecessary and no-till cultivation becomes easy. That is, after harvesting, apply 500 to 1000 kg of salt per 1,000 m2, and after letting all the stalks and weeds wither and die, then apply a 1:50-1:100 solution of… Read more »

#119 EM Technology to Break Through the Limits of Pesticide-Free Strawberries

In the previous issue, I introduced the case of Takahashi Farm in Yamagata Prefecture as an example of the barrier effect using EM rectification power. From last year to this year, there is a rapid increase in reports of people realizing numerous breakthroughs. Both are the result of using a combination of seawater-cultured activated EM solution and EM graviton rectification… Read more »

Op herhaling: Application Of EM Technology

Professor Teruo Higa, College of Agriculture, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan  Bron: Clinical and Basic Medical Research on EM-X, A Collection of Research Papers (Volume 2) Supervisor: Teruo Higa Editor: Bin Ke Prepared for the 1st International EM Medical Conference EMMC Steering Committee Okinawa, Japan November, 2001 Keynotes Speech, by Professor Teruo Higa I would like to extend my… Read more »

#117 The 1st EM Produce Growers’ Networking Conference

On March 22nd and 23rd, with the cooperation of International Nature Farming Research Center, EM Laboratory, Co., Ltd., Eco Pure (Web Ecopure), EM Life Co., Ltd., EM JAPAN Inc., and EM Research Organization, Inc., the “1st EM Produce Growers’ Networking Conference” was held at the EM Wellness Resort Costa Vista Okinawa. First, there was an explanation on the present conditions… Read more »