Tag Archives: uBiome

8 of the most powerful probiotic-rich foods (that aren’t yogurt)

Many foods are beneficial for the gut, but some reign supreme in terms of their abundance of live microorganisms. Eating foods rich in probiotic microorganisms can help your digestive system function more efficiently and may contribute to a healthier immune system, along with many other health benefits. Chances are, yogurt is the first food that comes to mind when you think of… Read more »

Can Psychobiotics Actually Alter Your Mood?

JUNE 29TH, 2018, MAGGIE HARRIMAN What if you could eat certain foods, or take a supplement, that improved your mood, decreased your anxiety, or strengthened your memory? Turns out, there’s promising research showing that certain probiotics may change your gut bacteria in ways that could also lower stress and improve memory. One day, these findings could lead to probiotic treatments for… Read more »

Your Microbes, Your Health: Products of Your Age, Lifestyle, and More

Our bodies are home to trillions of microorganisms that play a critical role in digestion, the synthesis of vitamins, and our immune function. But, how much are we able to harness our microbiome to take control of our health? In a previous post, we discussed how nature, nurture, and plain old chance can influence your microbiome. This week, we dive deeper… Read more »

Interview with Dr. Vincent Pedre, author of Happy Gut

We are excited to welcome Dr. Vincent Pedre to the uBiome Doctor’s Corner blog. Dr. Pedre is a top Functional Medicine specialist, and the acclaimed author of Happy Gut. Enjoy this interview with him to learn how you might be able to incorporate microbiome health and wellness into your own practice! How did you first get involved in the microbiome field? At an… Read more »

Peace, Love, and Gut Bacteria

      Geen reacties op Peace, Love, and Gut Bacteria

How hippie food became mainstream. “The Hippies Have Won.” That was the conclusion of a New York Times article on April 4th, which suggested that “just as yoga and meditation have gone mainstream, so have ideas and products surrounding health, wellness and eating that play like a flashback to the early 1970s.” The nicely-observed piece supported its claims in part… Read more »

Salmon Sperm and Bee Venom in Your Eye?

      Geen reacties op Salmon Sperm and Bee Venom in Your Eye?

Excuse us, you have something in your eye: bacteria. Pop quiz. Which part of your body is just about the same size now as it was on the day you were born? In fact, you’re almost certainly making use of it right now. Yup, an eyeball remains around one inch in diameter from the minute we’re born until the day… Read more »

Microbes in the Mansion: US Presidents and their Bacteria

The often surprising truth about presidential-bacterial connections. With so much media coverage of presidential matters over the past year, and particularly with last week’s inauguration of the 45th President of the United States, you might think every possible presidential angle has been covered. This, though, would be seriously underestimating your good friends here at uBiome. For it is with considerable… Read more »