Tag Archives: soja

Long Term No-Till Case Study

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This family run farm is the pioneer of no-tillage farming in the Parana state in Brazil. The Uemura family started with soybean cultivation applying conventional farming methods. However, they realised that the yield was decreasing due to soil erosion while the cost for agricultural inputs were rising, making farming in there area more unfeasible. Because of this they decided to implement… Read more »

Soybeans Seeds Germination Experiment

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Een facebook bericht van EMRO Japan: Our staff tested differences on germination of soy bean seeds using EM and Water. Some seeds were soaked in water and the other were soaked in Activated EM・1 (dilution of 1:1000) in advance. Then put them into water against Activated EM・1 (dilution of 1:1000) for 7 days. See the differences!!!!!!!!!!!! Bekijk het filmpje hieronder… Read more »