Een facebook bericht van EMRO Japan: Our staff tested differences on germination of soy bean seeds using EM and Water. Some seeds were soaked in water and the other were soaked in Activated EM・1 (dilution of 1:1000) in advance. Then put them into water against Activated EM・1 (dilution of 1:1000) for 7 days. See the differences!!!!!!!!!!!! Bekijk het filmpje hieronder… Read more »
Dr. Higa Living A Dream nieuwsbericht #108: When we make activated EM we use seawater, but high quality activated solution can also be made by adding salt so the content is equivalent to seawater (3 to 3.5% salt). Since bacteria are completely suppressed, this solution does not deteriorate even after one year has passed, as long as it is saved… Read more »
Emro organisatie in Japan heeft een nieuwe website gelanceerd. Verschillende filmpjes en infographics zijn gemaakt om uit te leggen hoe EM de wereld kan veranderen. Nieuwsgierig? Kijk en lees erover op Bron: