Category Archives: Vijver / Water / Zwembad

Phone-connected device detects bacterial toxins in water

Potentially fatal to both animals and humans, blue-green algae blooms occur when overly-abundant cyanobacteria in the water produce harmful substances known as cyanotoxins. The sooner those toxins are detected, the better – which is where a new smartphone-connected device comes into the picture. Ordinarily, when officials are checking for the early signs of algae blooms in lakes or rivers, they… Read more »

Nieuw: Vijver-pakket om met EM de vijver natuurlijk schoon te maken en schoon te houden

De is begaan met de balans en de gezondheid van onze vijvers; zij hebben hiertoe een mooi initiatief genomen: er zijn complete EM Vijver-pakketten samengesteld om met EM het natuurlijk evenwicht in vijvers te kunnen herstellen. In het voorjaar vullen vijvers zich vaak met algen. De algen geven aan dat de natuurlijke balans in het water hersteld moet worden…. Read more »

Outstanding Cost Reduction in Waste Water Treatment

Orange Walk Town, Belize BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Belize Sugar Industries Ltd. (BSI) has been producing sugar in Orange Walk town, Belize since 1967. Since they process approximately 1.3 million tons of sugarcane per year, they have been searching for a sustainable solution to manage their waste water. Further, they wanted to reduce cost since they were applying an aeration system that… Read more »

7000 EM Mudballs for saving the lake

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EM mudballs event was held in Vladivostok, Russia on August 10th, 2018. 7000 EM mudballs were thrown in the lake to improve the quality of water and sludge problems. In Vladivostok, Mayor Vitaly Verkeyenko called for solving the water pollution problem in the lake. Ms. Severina representative of “Primorsky EM Center LLC”, EMRO’s partner, decided to solve this problem and… Read more »