Category Archives: Bodemsanering

EM-dag zaterdag 9 mei

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bij de Japanse Esdoornkwekerij van Dick van der Maat in Boskoop van 10:00 tot 16:00 Open EM dag  9 mei 2020  geannuleerd i.v.m corona virus I.v.m. de ontwikkelingen rondom het coronavirus is de open EM dag geannuleerd. Wij hopen dat het mogelijk is de EM-dag alsnog in juli te organiseren. De gelegenheid voor EM gebruikers, fanaten, liefhebbers, leken, makers, verspreiders… Read more »

#125 EM Disaster Recovery Support Projects in 2017

The certified non-profit corporation, United Networks for Earth Environment (U-net) has been developing various EM disaster recovery support projects since the beginning the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred, not only in Eastern Japan, but also where there was flood damage in various places, and after the Kumamoto Earthquake, and so on. Among these, they are addressing radiation pollution control in… Read more »

VIDEO: Fukushima EM-farmer: no radiation detected

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The organic peaches, pears, grapes and apples Kinju Watanabe grows in Fukushima City have shown no detectable radiation, despite soil contamination in the area of 2,000 Becquerels per kilogram, and other farmers’ fruits testing at 40-80 Bq/kg. Although grown in contaminated sectors, Fukushima organic produce distributor Takehiro Makuta says all the food he distributes has tested “ND,” not detected—below the… Read more »

EM Hado bron, een bijzonder nieuw EM product in! heeft een bijzonder nieuw product in de verkoop, de EM Hado bron, waar we enige tijd geleden een bericht over hadden gepost. De EMwinkel zegt ook bezig te zijn met heel interessante testen waarmee het resonantie veld versterkt en specifiek geharmoniseerd kan worden… EM HADO BRON, VOOR EEN EM RESONANTIEVELD VAN MAX. 500M2  Professor Higa zegt dat je met… Read more »

#108: Multi-purpose Utilization of Activated EM with Seawater and Salt

Dr. Higa Living A Dream nieuwsbericht #108: When we make activated EM we use seawater, but high quality activated solution can also be made by adding salt so the content is equivalent to seawater (3 to 3.5% salt). Since bacteria are completely suppressed, this solution does not deteriorate even after one year has passed, as long as it is saved… Read more »


EM-Vereniging: “Toch handiger om het met niet ge-engineerde EM-A (zoals Microferm) te doen, lijkt ons. Het voorbeeld van Dick van der Maat’s Japanse Esdoorn kwekerij zegt genoeg en tegelijkertijd verbeter je het bodemleven ?” The term “genetically engineered” usually gets a lot of flack, and rightfully so given the fact that, whether you’re for or against GE-modified foods, you likely… Read more »

One million Apologies to Mother Earth (Maleisië)

uit het archief van (augustus 2009): The Beginning of a Milestone Penang state in Malaysia known as the Pearl of Orient, is an island popular for tourists for its rich Chinese heritage, offering beautiful temples, ruins, museums, preserved forests and beautiful beaches. Unfortunately, due to the recently business development focused on the coastal locations, local environment is being change… Read more »